variant to select from a specific set of colormaps.
requires cmap
This widget uses the cmap library to provide colormaps. You can install it with:
# use the `cmap` extra to include colormap support
pip install superqt[cmap]
ColorMapLike objects#
Colormaps may be specified in a variety of ways, such as by name (string), an iterable of a color/color-like objects, or as
a cmap.Colormap
instance. See cmap documentation for details on
all ColormapLike types
from cmap import Colormap
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication
from superqt import QColormapComboBox
app = QApplication([])
cmap_combo = QColormapComboBox()
# see note above about colormap-like objects
# as names from the cmap catalog
cmap_combo.addColormaps(["viridis", "plasma", "magma", "gray"])
# as a sequence of colors, linearly interpolated
cmap_combo.addColormap(("#0f0", "slateblue", "#F3A003A0"))
# as a `cmap.Colormap` instance with custom name:
cmap_combo.addColormap(Colormap(("green", "white", "orange"), name="MyMap"))
Style Customization#
Note that both the LineEdit and the dropdown can be styled to have the colormap on the left, or fill the entire width of the widget.
To make the CombBox label colormap fill the entire width of the widget:
from superqt.cmap import QColormapLineEdit
To make the CombBox dropdown colormaps fill less than the entire width of the widget:
from superqt.cmap import QColormapItemDelegate
delegate = QColormapItemDelegate(fractional_colormap_width=0.33)
Qt Class#
A drop down menu for selecting colors.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
parent |
The parent widget. |
allow_user_colormaps |
Whether the user can add custom colormaps by clicking the "Add
Colormap..." item. Default is False. Can also be set with
add_colormap_text |
The text to display for the "Add Colormap..." item. Default is "Add Colormap...". |
'Add Colormap...'
addColormap(cmap: ColorStopsLike) -> None
Adds the colormap to the QComboBox.
addColormaps(colors: Sequence[Any]) -> None
Adds colors to the QComboBox.
currentColormap() -> Colormap | None
Returns the currently selected Colormap or None if not yet selected.
itemColormap(index: int) -> Colormap | None
Returns the color of the item at the given index.
setCurrentColormap(color: Any) -> None
Adds the color to the QComboBox and selects it.
setUserAdditionsAllowed(allow: bool) -> None
Sets whether the user can add custom colors.
If enabled, an "Add Colormap..." item will be added to the end of the list. When clicked, a dialog will be shown to allow the user to select a colormap from the cmap catalog.
userAdditionsAllowed() -> bool
Returns whether the user can add custom colors.