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Collapsible QFrame that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the header.

from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QLabel, QPushButton

from superqt import QCollapsible

app = QApplication([])

collapsible = QCollapsible("Advanced analysis")
collapsible.addWidget(QLabel("This is the inside of the collapsible frame"))
for i in range(10):
    collapsible.addWidget(QPushButton(f"Content button {i + 1}"))



Qt Class#





A collapsible widget to hide and unhide child widgets.

A signal is emitted when the widget is expanded (True) or collapsed (False).

Based on

addWidget(widget: QWidget) -> None #

Add a widget to the central content widget's layout.

collapse(animate: bool = True) -> None #

Collapse (hide) the collapsible section.

collapsedIcon() -> QIcon #

Returns the icon used when the widget is collapsed.

content() -> QWidget #

Return the current content widget.

expand(animate: bool = True) -> None #

Expand (show) the collapsible section.

expandedIcon() -> QIcon #

Returns the icon used when the widget is expanded.

isExpanded() -> bool #

Return whether the collapsible section is visible.

locked() -> bool #

Return True if collapse/expand is disabled.

removeWidget(widget: QWidget) -> None #

Remove widget from the central content widget's layout.

setCollapsedIcon(icon: QIcon | str | None = None) -> None #

Set the icon on the toggle button when the widget is collapsed.

setContent(content: QWidget) -> None #

Replace central widget (the widget that gets expanded/collapsed).

setDuration(msecs: int) -> None #

Set duration of the collapse/expand animation.

setEasingCurve(easing: QEasingCurve | QEasingCurve.Type) -> None #

Set the easing curve for the collapse/expand animation.

setExpandedIcon(icon: QIcon | str | None = None) -> None #

Set the icon on the toggle button when the widget is expanded.

setLocked(locked: bool = True) -> None #

Set whether collapse/expand is disabled.

setText(text: str) -> None #

Set the text of the toggle button.

text() -> str #

Return the text of the toggle button.

toggleButton() -> QPushButton #

Return the toggle button.