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The following are QWidget subclasses:

Sliders and Numerical Inputs#

Widget Description
QDoubleRangeSlider Multi-handle slider for float values
QDoubleSlider Slider for float values
QLabeledDoubleRangeSlider QDoubleRangeSlider variant with editable labels for each handle
QLabeledDoubleSlider QSlider for float values with editable QSpinBox with the current value
QLabeledRangeSlider QRangeSlider variant, with editable labels for each handle
QLabeledSlider QSlider with editable QSpinBox that shows the current value
QLargeIntSpinBox QSpinbox that accepts arbitrarily large integers
QRangeSlider Multi-handle slider
QQuantity Pint-backed quantity widget (magnitude combined with unit dropdown)

Labels and categorical inputs#

Widget Description
QElidingLabel A QLabel variant that will elide text (add ) to fit width.
QEnumComboBox QComboBox that populates the combobox from a python Enum
QSearchableComboBox QComboBox variant that filters available options based on text input
QSearchableListWidget QListWidget variant with search field that filters available options
QSearchableTreeWidget QTreeWidget variant with search field that filters available options
QColorComboBox QComboBox to select from a specified set of colors
QColormapComboBox QComboBox to select from a specified set of colormaps.

Frames and containers#

Widget Description
QCollapsible A collapsible widget to hide and unhide child widgets.
QFlowLayout A layout that rearranges items based on parent width.