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Iconify is an icon library that includes 150,000+ icons from most major icon sets including Bootstrap, FontAwesome, Material Design, and many more; each available as individual SVGs. Unlike the superqt.fonticon module, superqt.QIconifyIcon does not require any additional dependencies or font files to be installed. Icons are downloaded (and cached) on-demand from the Iconify API, using pyconify

Search availble icons at Once you find one you like, use the key in the format "prefix:name" to create an icon: QIconifyIcon("bi:bell").

Basic Example#

from qtpy.QtCore import QSize
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication, QPushButton

from superqt import QIconifyIcon

app = QApplication([])

btn = QPushButton()
btn.setIconSize(QSize(60, 60))



superqt.QIconifyIcon #

Bases: QIcon

QIcon backed by an iconify icon.

Iconify includes 150,000+ icons from most major icon sets including Bootstrap, FontAwesome, Material Design, and many more.

Search availble icons at Once you find one you like, use the key in the format "prefix:name" to create an icon: QIconifyIcon("bi:bell").

This class is a thin wrapper around the pyconify svg_path function. It pulls SVGs from iconify, creates a temporary SVG file and uses it as the source for a QIcon. SVGs are cached to disk, and persist across sessions (until pyconify.clear_cache() is called).

Parameters are the same as QIconifyIcon.addKey, which can be used to add additional icons for various modes and states to the same QIcon.


Name Type Description Default
*key str

Icon set prefix and name. May be passed as a single string in the format "prefix:name" or as two separate strings: 'prefix', 'name'.

color str

Icon color. If not provided, the icon will appear black (the icon fill color will be set to the string "currentColor").

flip str

Flip icon. Must be one of "horizontal", "vertical", "horizontal,vertical"

rotate str | int

Rotate icon. Must be one of 0, 90, 180, 270, or 0, 1, 2, 3 (equivalent to 0, 90, 180, 270, respectively)

dir str

If 'dir' is not None, the file will be created in that directory, otherwise a default directory is used.



>>> from qtpy.QtWidgets import QPushButton
>>> from superqt import QIconifyIcon
>>> btn = QPushButton()
>>> icon = QIconifyIcon("bi:alarm-fill", color="red", rotate=90)
>>> btn.setIcon(icon)

addKey(*key, color=None, flip=None, rotate=None, dir=None, size=None, mode=QIcon.Mode.Normal, state=QIcon.State.Off) #

Add an icon to this QIcon.

This is a variant of QIcon.addFile that uses an iconify icon keys and arguments instead of a file path.


Name Type Description Default
*key str

Icon set prefix and name. May be passed as a single string in the format "prefix:name" or as two separate strings: 'prefix', 'name'.

color str

Icon color. If not provided, the icon will appear black (the icon fill color will be set to the string "currentColor").

flip str

Flip icon. Must be one of "horizontal", "vertical", "horizontal,vertical"

rotate str | int

Rotate icon. Must be one of 0, 90, 180, 270, or 0, 1, 2, 3 (equivalent to 0, 90, 180, 270, respectively)

dir str

If 'dir' is not None, the file will be created in that directory, otherwise a default directory is used.

size QSize

Size specified for the icon, passed to QIcon.addFile.

mode Mode

Mode specified for the icon, passed to QIcon.addFile.

state State

State specified for the icon, passed to QIcon.addFile.



Type Description

This QIconifyIcon instance, for chaining.