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cmap.Color(value: ColorLike) #

Class to represent a single color.

Instances of this class are immutable and cached (based on the rgba tuple), you can compare them with is.


  • value (str, tuple, list, array, Color, or int) –

    The color to represent. Can be any "ColorLike".

alpha: float property #

Return the alpha value.

hex: str property #

Return the color as hex.

hsl: HSLA property #

Return the color as Hue, Saturation, Lightness.

hsv: HSVA property #

Return the color as Hue, Saturation, Value.

name: str | None property #

Return the color as name.

rgba: RGBA property #

Return the color as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) tuple in 0-1 range.

rgba8: RGBA8 property #

Return the color as (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) tuple in 0-255 range.

rgba_string: str property #

Return the color as an 'rgba(r, g, b, a)' string; 0-255 range.

__repr__() -> str #

Return a string representation of the color.

__rich_repr__() -> Any #

Provide a rich representation of the color, with color swatch.

__str__() -> str #

Return a string representation of the color.

from_int(value: int, format: str, bits_per_component: int | Sequence[int] = 8) -> Color classmethod #

Parse color from bit-shifted integer encoding.


  • value (int) –

    The integer value to parse.

  • format (str) –

    The format of the integer value. Must be a string composed only of the characters 'r', 'g', 'b', and 'a'.

  • bits_per_component (int | Sequence[int] | None, default: 8 ) –

    The number of bits used to represent each color component. If a single integer is provided, it is used for all components. If a sequence of integers is provided, the length must match the length of format.

to_int(format: str, bits_per_component: int | Sequence[int] = 8) -> int #

Convert color to bit-shifted integer encoding.


  • format (str) –

    The format of the integer value. Must be a string composed only of the characters 'r', 'g', 'b', and 'a'.

  • bits_per_component (int | Sequence[int] | None, default: 8 ) –

    The number of bits used to represent each color component. If a single integer is provided, it is used for all components. If a sequence of integers is provided, the length must match the length of format.